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Geriatric / Senior Physical Therapy

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Physician Referral

Physical Therapy


Pediatric Physical

Spinal Decompression

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Joint Rehabilitation

Foot and Ankle

Balance and

Geriatric/ Senior
Physical Therapy

Ergonomic and Work

Auto Accident

Weight Loss

We recognize that older adults are staying active than ever before. We offer Geriatric/ Senior Physical Therapy to help reduce pain, relieve stiffness, promote motion, and prevent falls to help keep you moving and enjoying your favorite activities and sports. Our licensed physical therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain the highest quality of life.

Our Geriatric Physical Therapy Expertise includes:

Balance difficulties
Problems walking
Muscle weakness
Joint stiffness
Poor flexibility
And more…

Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention Program

Falls are a major threat to the health and independence of older adults. Each year in the United States, nearly one-third of older adults experience a fall. Falls are also the leading cause of injury and deaths among older adults. The rate of fall-related deaths among older adults in the United States has risen significantly over the past decade. In 2004, falls were responsible for 14,900 deaths. ( Center for Disease control )

Our fall risk assessment and prevention program includes:

• Fall Risk Assessment
• Patient and Caregivers Education and Training
• Individualized Balance and Strengthening Exercises
• Home Safety Assessment
• Low Vision Mobility and Orientation Training

Osteoporosis & Arthritis Program

Joint pain, stiffness, and movement limitations are common complaints of people with arthritis or osteoarthritis. Many people may think that protecting arthritic joints is helpful, when actually not moving only contributes to weakness. Our physical therapists help people with arthritis and osteoporosis exercise safely to strengthen the muscles around arthritic joints. Doing so can help keep you active and may help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation.


Austin Physical Therapy Specialists   |   Phone: 512.371.7273   |   Fax: 512.259.7056
7801 N. Lamar Boulevard #B174 Austin, TX 78752